Friday, July 25, 2008

Screen Test - Drive!

Drive - By [RS]Lazarus

This is a screen test that was, originally, an experiment to see if simulating a drive through a village was viable using the IL2 engine. When I discovered it was possible, I added to the set to make the drive more realistic. It is now being implemented into my next movie. Remember, if a scene seems to be dragging on a bit, there is dialogue intended for the entire clip that has not been put in yet.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Feature Movie

Special Delivery By [RS]Lazarus

This movie is a 6 minute short that I have entered into the 2008 IL2 Flight Sim Movie Competition. The challenge was to create a full story within the 6 minute time limit, keep it interesting and feature combat. I believe I have done that with this movie. In case you're wondering, this entire production was done on Windows Movie Maker with the Pixelan Spice Effects 3.0. I can honestly tell you that WMM was one of the most frustrating experiences I have had. It was constantly locking up and loosing work.

I have since changed to Sony Vegas and couldn't possibly speak higher of it. If you enjoy Special Delivery, please take a quick moment and lend me your vote. Simply go here and follow the voting instructions.